Friday, March 8, 2013

There must be a mirror in my pants cuz Congress can see themselves in them....

Contrary to popular belief, it is an African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” (Not an original work by Hillary.) Birth control=Government shutdown?This blog addresses the reduction and or elimination of funding for family planning and reproductive services using the guise saving the nation from financial meltdown. It began state by state and with changes already emerging from Obamacare, bills are creeping in on a congressional level. It is no secret that certain religiously affiliated health care systems already restrict coverage for family planning and sterilization to their own employees and families. Taking away funds from low cost or free services will result in a Federal and State village raising more than one child. The author doesn’t argue morality or pro-anything-the blog speaks in terms the government and a lot of Americans do-money.
Too many women do not seek reproductive care as it is, with no free or affordable options-even less will. I suppose in a skewed way $35.00 a month for birth control and a free or sliding-scale priced preventative pap smear at the local clinic will save our nation from financial disaster. The USDA estimated $20,000 a year PER child average it is costing me alone (and I have two teens-no diapers, formula, ect.) for basics is far more fiscally logical….right? At the risk of sounding a snob, I do not represent the majority of those who will be most affected by these cuts. With less education, less earning potential and lower socioeconomical status- these affected women often end up on the Federal payroll-aka TANF. Again, cheaper? In seeking methods of family planning, female patients open themselves up for even broader education on their body and how to care for it. Clinics who will reel from their budgets being cut or even eliminated, offer more than just abortions and birth control, they provide information on women’s health issues, sexually transmitted diseases and in some cases counseling. If I sit and think too much-my own government would rather that I be gun-less, with the rise in unemployment expected with sequestration, barefoot and now pregnant all the time too? I’ll make Congress a deal-they stay outta my uterus and I’ll stay out of theirs

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