Friday, April 26, 2013

Red Rover, Red Rover....You'd better not come over!

Growing up I heard my share of, “Don’t you dare touch that….don’t you…no!” As a parent I've probably said it twice as much. Recently I heard the grown up version from our President, aimed at the president of Syria. A scolding ensued after evidence of small scale sarin use was uncovered. President Obama warned Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad of a U.S. military response if he dared cross a “red line” by using or moving any chemical or biological weapons. A red line for the U.S. is defined as beginning to witness a “whole bunch” of chemical weapons being moved around or used. Michael Eisenstadt, Director of Military and Security Studies Program at the Washington Institute for the Near East (whew!), makes the claim that Syria probably has the biggest and most advanced of all chemical warfare programs. So with a quizzical look on my face I am sure, they are just now being warned of crossing a red line I did not even know was a real term?!

Obama’s warning came on the second of three feasting days to honor the end of Ramadan whose holiday message is of tolerance and amity. Is this interesting political irony or purposeful timing on the heels of a recent domestic tragedy for which the public is crying out for justice? President Obama assured the listening citizens of contingency plans while warning Syria and any other country with similar intentions of the U.S. stance on the matter.

Our legislative bodies fear these chemical weapons falling into the wrong hands. Who really is what can be considered the “right” hands? Even our home teams fumbles. In 1985, our own biological Guru- the CDC “misplaced” a purified sample of a hemorrhagic fever, named the Crimean Congo strain. It was allegedly mailed with dilute samples for research to a U.S. Army lab but only the dilute samples arrived. After an allegedly extensive search, it was concluded that the original purified virus had inadvertently been destroyed in a “routine” cleaning. What is routine about cleaning hemorrhagic fever causing viruses? Through dumb luck, if you can call it that, the virus cannot sustain itself outside a living host for more than an hour. As in human nature, history repeats itself….March 23, 2013 a routine inspection of a locked freezer unit revealed a missing sample of a very virulent, highly contagious virus known as Guanarito. This too is a hemorrhagic fever, native to central Venezuela, and was being held in the UTMB-Houston laboratory for “research” due to the virus’ high potential for use as a biochemical weapon. Foul play was doubted and again, routine cleaning was blamed for having destroyed the virus sample. The U.S. government states that we are not hoarding, storing, nor do we advocate any such activities related to biological warfare. Yet we have laboratories storing only mere samples in the name of “defensive biological research?” President Obama, our entire legislation as well as our nation as a hole worry about these microscopic weapons falling into the wrong hands, but exactly how do you define who the wrong hands belong to? Countries are standing united in support of not crossing these ‘red lines’ and ready themselves against countries like Syria who are making test runs amongst their own populations. My best advice is, that as the leaders of each country stand who plan to stand shoulder to shoulder in a line waiting for Red Rover to come over, before holding hands to form the chain-wash them first.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Suit Up....

There comes a time when we have to put on big girl panties do some uncomfortable things in life-criticizing a colleague's work is one of mine, well in the school setting anyhow. Ribbit...Ribbit... I do not fancy myself well versed in the least in the arena of politics. Now, if we were argue medicine...challenge accepted....